Reaching Your Members in the 21st Century Conference

November 7 - 10, 2024 | The Scottsdale Plaza| Scottsdale, Arizona

Don't Miss Out! Register to Get a Spot!

To stay competitive, your credit union needs to break through today’s information overload & communicate with members – and potential members – in new ways.

Join fellow credit union directors, board chairs, CEOs, supervisory committee members, IT managers, business development and marketing managers and other credit union professionals from across the country for a comprehensive educational conference on proven ways to reach your members in today's ever-changing world.

Earn 12 CPE credits while attending this conference.

Registration & Hotel Information

Conference Registration

We offer an excellent educational return on your conference investment. Register early for greatest savings.

Registration rates:

Guest Program

Our guest program enables your registered guest(s) to join you during the following conference events:($249 additional per guest)

Hotel Reservation

Book your room online or call the Scottsdale Plaza Resort at (800) 832-2025 to receive rates starting at $249*.

*$32 daily resort fee is WAIVED when you book through CU Conferences' room block.

If you are unable to book a room, call CU Conferences at 888-465-6010 for assistance.

Airport and Ground Transportation

Phoenix Airport (PHX) is approximately 18 minutes from the Scottsdale Plaza Resort and Villas. 

Taxi: Approximately $35 by taxi from PHX to Scottsdale Plaza.

**All rates listed are subject to change and are estimates. Please check rates with the ground transportation taxi.


The weather in Arizona during the month of November is rather pleasant. The average temperature reaches a high of about 78° during the day and a 51° in the evenings.

Speaker Information

Holly Arter, Marketing Consultant/Media Strategist
Braid Creative

Casey Boggs, President

Sundeep Kapur, Founder
Digital Credence

Tom Glatt, President/Strategy Consultant
Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.

Cori Rodriguez, Director
Tucson Federal Credit Union

Tara Street,
Creative Director
Braid Creative

Conference Agenda

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Reaching Your Members in the 21st Century Conference is full of timely sessions packed with fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the issues facing today’s credit unions.

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Conference Registration

1:00 – 1:15 p.m.

Opening Remarks

1:15 – 2:15 p.m. 

Membership Growth: Setting Objectives and Relevant Goals

Tom Glatt, Jr 

Principal/Strategy Consultant

Glatt Consulting Group, LLC

Nearly every credit union sets targets for member expansion, yet these objectives often represent mere conjecture rather than grounded, actionable insights. This session, led by seasoned credit union advisor, Tom Glatt, will provide a roadmap for establishing membership growth goals that are both ambitious and contextualized, anchored by credible, region-specific market intelligence. Tom will also introduce participants to an indispensable tool from the Census Bureau, promising to enhance both board and management comprehension of the distinct qualities characterizing their credit union's market.

2:15 – 2:30 p.m. 

Networking and Refreshment Break

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Video is Becoming a Language

Holly Arter, Marketing Consultant/Media Strategist
Tara Street, Creative Director
Braid Creative

Video is becoming its own language, especially with younger generations. But many credit unions, feel like the cost of video production is beyond their means. 

This session will look at how video consumption is increasing across various platforms, how video is changing the way we communicate and how your credit union can harness this technology to communicate more efficiently and effectively.

3:30 – 3:45 p.m.

Daily Wrap Up

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. (GP)

Welcome Reception

Join us for cocktails, light dining, and great conversation. Registered guests are welcome to attend.

CU Conferences is grateful for the support of its sponsor, PARC Street Partners, and would like to thank them for co-sponsoring the reception. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. (GP)


Join us for a hearty breakfast. Registered guests are welcome to attend.

9:00 – 9:15 a.m.


9:15 – 10:15 a.m. 

How to Bring Human Voice to Your Credit Union Marketing

Holly Arter, Marketing Consultant/Media Strategist
Tara Street, Creative Director
Braid Creative

In a world of AI copy, cookie cutter offerings, and generic financial marketing, Tara Street, writer and founder of Braid Creative, shares how to better articulate who your credit union is & resonate with who you serve, in a more authentic, inclusive, "human" brand & marketing voice.

You will leave this session with fresh & actionable messaging you can start using in your credit union, positioning and marketing communications in the new year & beyond.

10:15 – 10:30 a.m. 

Networking and Refreshment Break

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 

How Credit Unions Can Enhance and Protect Their Valuable Reputation in Today's Critical Environment

Casey Boggs, President, ReputationUs

Now more than ever, credit unions are paying closer attention to their valuable reputations in three primary areas:


Explore why your credit union’s reputation is so important with ReputationUs' President, Casey Boggs, as he leads you through an examination of today’s extremely critical environment. You’ll take home valuable how-to tips to enhance and protect your CU’s reputation in 2025 and beyond.

11:35 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.

Managing Your Media Dollars in a Constantly Fragmenting Landscape

Holly Arter, Marketing Consultant/Media Strategist
Braid Creative

Reach the people you really want listening, with the messages and mediums that meet them where they are. This session looks at media consumption trends across the country that can help you make better marketing decisions with big-to-small resources and budgets. We've got a great credit union story to tell, let's make sure people are hearing it!

12:35 – 1:35 p.m. (GP)

Group Luncheon

Join us for lunch. Registered guests are welcome to attend.

1:35 – 2:35 p.m. 

Creating an Embedded AI Strategy/Embedded AI: Strategy, Governance, Execution, & Monitoring

Sundeep Kapur    


Digital Credence

AI makes it easier for the consumer to interact with a brand and even easier for the brand to serve the consumer. Conversational, generative AI has made things even simpler. While financial institutions have hastened their adoption of AI, not much diligence has been given to creating a unified AI strategy.


Remember, AI’s foundation is rooted in data; data that is dynamic, data that continues to grow exponentially, and data that must be secured. Untapped, data is wasted. Ungoverned, data can be wasteful and pose an ethical dilemma. Unsecured data can be very dangerous.


We will focus on core AI definitions, external industry examples, and areas within our institution where embedded AI can make an impact. AI must be efficient, secure, and adaptive. This presentation is going to highlight practical examples we need to consider as we build our embedded AI strategy.

2:40 – 3:40 p.m. 

Content Marketing for Member Education

Cori Rodriquez, Director, Tucson Federal Credit Union

Join Cori for an interactive session that will highlight the importance of storytelling, use of gamification in a member education strategy, community outreach education, and trends and technologies that will influence content marketing. Additionally, learn which channels have the largest reach. TV, radio, or is it social media?

3:40 – 4:00 p.m. 

Daily Wrap-Up

Saturday, November 9, 2024

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. (GP)


Join us for a hearty breakfast. Registered guests are welcome to attend.

9:00 – 9:05 a.m.

Opening Remarks

9:05 – 10:15a.m.

Member Communication: Developing Comprehensive Strategy

Tom Glatt, Jr.

Principal/Strategy Consultant

Glatt Consulting Group, LLC

The commonly held view of an effective member communication strategy is simplistic, often boiled down to the idea of "delivering the appropriate message to the right audience via the optimal channel at the most opportune time." In reality, member communication is far more intricate and involves a nuanced blend of a robust business model and advanced communication skills.

During this session, credit union advisor, Tom Glatt, will spell out the strategic choices that must be collaboratively decided upon by boards and management teams. These decisions are critical as they lay the foundation for implementing a communication strategy that not only achieves excellence, but also drives significant results.

10:15  – 10:30 a.m.

Networking and Refreshment Break

10:30 – 11:40 a.m.

Successfully Leveraging Advanced Fintech Strategies into Your Credit Union


Sundeep Kapur


Digital Credence

Fintech is all about engaging the mobile/digital first consumer. Fintech makes it easy, keeps members “safe”, and continues to display value. Not ironically, a better experience is appreciated by members young and old, and fintech continues to lure our members away with niche offerings that chip away at our share of wallet. How?


From opening an account in less than three minutes to getting a loan with a few more clicks to AI that assists from disputes to loyalty to even suggesting the perfect next best product. Fintech takes complex solutions and simplifies them through easier AI driven and data rich experiences. These solutions may appear complex but can be part of our portfolio.


This presentation is going to provide powerful insight highlighting 10 fintech solutions we should consider and an approach as to how to make them part of a progressive credit union strategy.

11:40 – 12:00 p.m.

Daily Wrap-Up

Take the Afternoon & Evening
to Enjoy the Sites, Sounds & Flavors of Scottsdale!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Travel Day - Have a Safe Trip Home!

Register Early & Save!