Past Webinars

Winning in Today's World with Marketing & Sales: A Powerful 1-2 Punch

Bill McKenna, President/CEO, McKenna Marketing Networks, LLC

Paul Robert, CEO, FI Strategies, LLC

The strategic integration of a credit union’s marketing and sales teams, and their roles can have a dramatic impact upon performance. While marketing’s primary focus is to cultivate additional opportunities, the creation of a unified and well-defined sales and service culture will positively impact performance and accelerate growth.

When effectively synced, the outcomes we see include:

Sound Interesting?

Join us as we share practical advice and insights that we’ve gleaned from working with hundreds of credit unions. Deliver the knock-out punch and gain a competitive advantage in today’s competitive financial landscape.

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Unlock the First-Time Car Buyer Market and Achieve Member Growth While Minimizing Your Loan Losses with Surety's PlusOne® Policies

Walt Agius, Founder, Lendgistics

Original Date: May 10, 2023 - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

See how Suretys and Lendgistics can help your credit union serve the underserved First-Time and Thin-File auto buying market, with Insured loan loss protection, at no-cost to Lenders 

Do you want to solve the biggest issues in serving the underserved first-time/thin file marketplace, while insuring protection against loan loss risk, while also providing competitive APR’s and terms that no one in the marketplace can compete with? Look no further. Unlock the first-time/thin-file car buyer market and achieve member growth while mitigating loan losses with Surety’s PlusOne® Policies.

What will you learn?

How your credit union can be one of the first in your market to build a competitive and safe First-Time/Thin-File auto buyer, no-cosigner needed, loan program to serve this vital and profitable underserved segment.  See why this program fits perfectly into every credit union's strategy for loan and member acquisition, and how it will help you achieve increased loan yields while mitigating loan-loss risk. At No Cost to Lenders!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to differentiate your credit union from competitors and to profitably serve these underserved member segments within your existing, and potential field of membership.

Albert Einstein said, "We aren't going to solve today's problems with the same thinking that created the problem." This new and innovative approach is an opportunity for credit unions to learn first-hand about a new solution, and to make informed decisions.

Every credit union should attend to learn how this program allows you to competitively and profitably serve this underserved segment of borrowers. The program can be up and running in 45-60 days with the peace of mind of insured protection against loan default deficiency balances (Backed by a $48 Billion, A-Rated, nearly 100 year old Insurance company). 

Unable to attend the Webinar "live". No worries. Everyone who registers for the Webinar will receive a link following the "live" Webinar, to view the Webinar at their convenience.

Or you can reach out to schedule a short presentation at your convenience.
Contact Walt Agius at or (213) 999-0432

Follow Lendgistics on LinkedIn

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Unlock the First-Time Car Buyer Market and Achieve Member Growth While Minimizing Your Loan Losses with Surety's PlusOne® Policies

Walt Agius, Founder, Lendgistics

Original Date 4-20-23

See how Suretys and Lendgistics can help your credit union serve the underserved First-Time and Thin-File auto buying market, with Insured loan loss protection, at no-cost to Lenders 

Do you want to solve the biggest issues in serving the underserved first-time/thin file marketplace, while insuring protection against loan loss risk, while also providing competitive APR’s and terms that no one in the marketplace can compete with? Look no further. Unlock the first-time/thin-file car buyer market and achieve member growth while mitigating loan losses with Surety’s PlusOne® Policies.

What will you learn?

How your credit union can be one of the first in your market to build a competitive and safe First-Time/Thin-File auto buyer, no-cosigner needed, loan program to serve this vital and profitable underserved segment.  See why this program fits perfectly into every credit union's strategy for loan and member acquisition, and how it will help you achieve increased loan yields while mitigating loan-loss risk. At No Cost to Lenders!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to differentiate your credit union from competitors and to profitably serve these underserved member segments within your existing, and potential field of membership.

Albert Einstein said, "We aren't going to solve today's problems with the same thinking that created the problem." This new and innovative approach is an opportunity for credit unions to learn first-hand about a new solution, and to make informed decisions.

Every credit union should attend to learn how this program allows you to competitively and profitably serve this underserved segment of borrowers. The program can be up and running in 45-60 days with the peace of mind of insured protection against loan default deficiency balances (Backed by a $48 Billion, A-Rated, nearly 100 year old Insurance company). 

Unable to attend the Webinar "live". No worries. Everyone who registers for the Webinar will receive a link following the "live" Webinar, to view the Webinar at their convenience.

Or you can reach out to schedule a short presentation at your convenience.
Contact Walt Agius at or (213) 999-0432

Follow Lendgistics on LinkedIn

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Unlock the First-Time Car Buyer Market and Achieve Member Growth While Minimizing Your Loan Losses with Surety's PlusOne® Policies

Josh Minsky, President and CEO, Suretys
Walt Agius, Founder, Lendgistics

Original Webinar date: 3-8-23

See how Suretys and Lendgistics can help your credit union serve the underserved First-Time and Thin-File auto buying market, with Insured loan loss protection, at no-cost to Lenders 

Do you want to solve the biggest issues in serving the underserved first-time/thin file marketplace, while insuring protection against loan loss risk, while also providing competitive APR’s and terms that no one in the marketplace can compete with? Look no further. Unlock the first-time/thin-file car buyer market and achieve member growth while mitigating loan losses with Surety’s PlusOne® Policies.

What will you learn?

How your credit union can be one of the first in your market to build a competitive and safe First-Time/Thin-File auto buyer, no-cosigner needed, loan program to serve this vital and profitable underserved segment.  See why this program fits perfectly into every credit union's strategy for loan and member acquisition, and how it will help you achieve increased loan yields while mitigating loan-loss risk. At No Cost to Lenders!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to differentiate your credit union from competitors and to profitably serve these underserved member segments within your existing, and potential field of membership.

Albert Einstein said, "We aren't going to solve today's problems with the same thinking that created the problem." This new and innovative approach is an opportunity for credit unions to learn first-hand about a new solution, and to make informed decisions.

Every credit union should attend to learn how this program allows you to competitively and profitably serve this underserved segment of borrowers. The program can be up and running in 45-60 days with the peace of mind of insured protection against loan default deficiency balances (Backed by a $48Billion, A-Rated, nearly 100 year old Insurance company). 

Or you can reach out to schedule a short presentation at your convenience.
Contact Brett Lippel at or (818) 802-3240

Follow Lendgistics on LinkedIn

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Unlock the First-Time Car Buyer Market and Achieve Member Growth While Minimizing Your Loan Losses with Surety's PlusOne® Policies

Josh Minsky, President and CEO, Suretys
Walt Agius, Founder, Lendgistics

Original Webinar date: 2-8-23

Are you looking to grow your auto loan portfolio and gain new members? Do you want to solve the biggest issues in serving underserved first-time/thin file/no co-borrowers? While limiting loan loss risk, and providing competitive APR’s and terms? Look no further.

On this webinar, you'll learn how your credit union can build a competitive and safe first-time/Thin-file auto buyer, no-cosigner needed, program to serve this vital underserved market in your community. This program fits perfectly into almost every credit union's strategy for loan and member acquisition and can help you get increased loan yields while lowering your loan-loss risk. Learn more about this program and how it can help your credit union succeed.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to differentiate your credit union and serve the underserved markets in your community. This program is currently available in 4 states, Texas, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Connecticut and will be available in more areas soon.


Every credit union with a national or regional FOM that covers Texas, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Connecticut should attend, as well as any other credit union interested in serving this underserved market.


Albert Einstein said, "We aren't going to solve today's problems with the same thinking that created the problem." Credit unions can't make informed, thoughtful decisions without knowing what is out there to help them solve some of today's problems. This webinar will help you fill in one piece of the puzzle with a program that you can start in 30-45 days and run indefinitely, with insured protection against loan default deficiency balances.

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Strategic Use of Capital - Investment in Leadership

Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefit Consultant, OM Financial Group

The most important asset any organization has – is it’s leadership team. That team will actively either lead your credit union and create extraordinary member value and financial performance or allow your culture and organization to meander into mediocrity. In order to recruit, retain and reward a dynamic leadership team you need to understand the current environment for executive compensation and Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs). Those decisions are more difficult than ever because as interest rates increase the credit union has to be careful how it allocates funds to credit union owned life insurance, HR benefits and SERPs. Let us help you understand the current market and how you should strategically use capital to support an extraordinary leadership team.

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Driving 2023 Success: 10 Vital Strategic Initiatives

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Sundeep Kapur, Educator, Digital Credence

Consumers need financial institutions to complete their financial journeys. They need money that drives everyday economics - it drives their needs, helps with problems, and fuels their aspirations. The consumer we serve has a myriad of choices in who they use, and they can have more than 10 financial relationships in their lifetime.


How do we insert ourselves into the center of each relationship? How do we become part of everyday transactions? Do you know what these consumers truly want? What does it take to become their primary financial institution? How do we leverage emerging technology as an enabler?

This inspirational discussion will highlight the key challenges we face, share 10 vital strategic initiatives at community financial institutions, and will open the door to a conversation on how to nurture our leadership as we define our roadmap for success.

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will be emailed a link to the Webinar recording to watch at your convenience.

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Your Risk-Type Compass: An Assessment Tool for Directors & Senior Management

Tom Glatt, Jr., Consultant, Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.

Leadership teams have a certain center of gravity, or profile with respect to how they approach and make decisions involving risk. Why does this matter? Teams asked to do things that go against their natural profile will more than likely fail at the task, in particular if the team is unaware of their profile in the first place. For teams to make effective decisions involving risk they must both be aware of their risk profile, and know how to work with it.  


In this webinar Glatt Consulting Group's, Tom Glatt, will define the concept of team risk profiles using a tool called the Risk Type Compass. Tom will then show you how you can utilize the Risk Type Compass to both build team profile awareness and drive effective decision making when risk is at play - whether your "team" is the board of directors, management team, a department within your credit union, or some combination of all of the above. 

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BSA Update & Review - All participants will be Emailed a BSA Completion Certificate

Tim Quinn, President, Success from the Inside Out

This Webinar Fulfills the
Requirement for Annual Director Education on BSA

All Credit Unions must be in compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the board of directors is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the credit union maintains an effective internal control structure, including suspicious activity monitoring and reporting. This Webinar outlines the act, it’s purpose, it’s requirements, current updates and reporting procedures that all credit union directors are required to be familiar with. Money is the fuel for all kinds of activities, both good and “not so good”.  Make sure that your credit union has the systems in place to monitor transactions and is in compliance with these Federal requirements.   

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Passing the Leadership Baton

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

In a relay race, even though you may have the four fastest runners, if you drop the baton once in the handoff, you will fall behind your competitors. The same issue exists in succession planning, the transition between your leaders is essential to a continued pattern of growth and ultimately success for your organization.


During this presentation, Executive Benefit Consultant and former Bethpage FCU CEO, Kirk Kordeleski, will cover best practices of succession planning to include:


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Financial Data in the Cyber World: Balancing Power and Risk

Peter Fugaro, President, Prymak, LLC

The ability for credit unions to use the cloud and online technologies creates the power to add new products, improve service for existing members, and attract new membership. But online hacking, data breaches, and identity theft are present in cyberspace and adds risk to a credit union’s operation.

This webinar is designed to present, in a straightforward manner, how credit union executives and board members can understand how the institution can take advantage of the web while limiting risks and protecting member data.

Peter Fugaro will discuss the basics of the cloud and cyberspace, how credit unions can grow a footprint through online services and present a simple understanding of associated risks and what measures the credit union should be taking to mitigate those risks through best practices.

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Fraud Risk Assessment: A Tool in the Fraud Fighting Kit

Deron Rossi, President, DJR Consulting

Join Deron Rossi, president of DJR Consulting,  as he covers an important tool that need to be in your fraud fighting kit. Given fraud levels are higher post-COVID than before the pandemic, this Webinar will dive into the what, why, and how to do a fraud risk assessment. Deron will cover best practices to use when doing a fraud risk assessment.

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How to Hire the Next CEO or Be Hired as The Next CEO

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Tim Strandquist, a former executive recruiter and Kirk Kordeleski, previous CEO of Bethpage FCU ($9B in assets), will present a webinar that will help prepare credit unions to hire their next CEO and help future candidates get hired as the next CEO.

In our work with credit union boards and CEOs, we find too many organizations that fail to take the right steps to prepare candidates for the top job. On the other side, too few of candidates have taken a closer look at and developed the full range of skills for what it takes to succeed as the organization’s leader.

In addition, we will discuss how the CEO interview process works and what the board and CEO candidate should look for when developing a strategic plan for the interview.

Credit Union Boards

CEO Candidates

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will be emailed a link to the Webinar recording to watch at your convenience.

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Drive Board Excellence with Policy Governance

Tom Glatt, Jr. Principal, Strategy Consultant

Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.
CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Credit unions have become more complex over the last 20 years, and the risks facing credit unions have certainly increased as well, but in many cases, credit union governance models and processes have not kept pace. In other words, yesterday’s governance practices are ill suited to today’s governance demands. How can a board vastly improve its governance capabilities and competencies and consequently ensure “governance” is effective and appropriate for today’s credit unions? By implementing the Policy Governance model.


In this Webinar, Glatt Consulting’s Tom Glatt, Jr., will cover basics of Policy Governance, exploring the various policy structures the model prescribes for addressing future achievement, risk limits, governance activities, and board/CEO engagement. Tom will then wrap up with a roadmap snapshot showing you what it takes to implement this highly effective and versatile model.

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Member Satisfaction: More Critical Today Than Ever!

Paul Robert, CEO, FI Strategies, LLC

Recent results in consumer satisfaction studies show that credit unions are scoring below banks on overall consumer satisfaction. Further, the pandemic has changed the buying habits and service preferences for most consumers and many believe that change is irreversible.

Credit unions can no longer count on the inherent loyalty of previous generations of members. They can no longer just proclaim their mantra of “people helping people” as their differentiator. They can no longer blindly say, “we give better service than the banks”.

In this Webinar, learn what your credit union must do in 2022 to standout for the right reasons and create the experiences today’s members expect, including:

You may be saying, "We’ve got that covered; our members love us" but the challenges are: are you doing each of these as best as possible and how have you modified them over the past two years? Tomorrow's member experience needs to be discernably different than yesterday's. Make sure your credit union is positioned to thrive in tomorrow's environment!

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What is a 457(f) and When Does it Make Sense to Offer One?

Christopher Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant and Bruce Smith, CFA, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant

Wednesday, February 16, 2022: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Chris and Bruce will address the following items that come into play when considering a 457(f) as your supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP): 


Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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Combining Social Media & Gamification for Maximum Support

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Digital Credence

Social media has tremendous outreach, gamification keeps people engaged. Join us for inspirational case studies of brands that have leveraged the power social media and gamification to grow their footprint, keep members engaged, and continue to drive valuable ROI. Plus, a “precise” implementation of this strategy will turn your team members into effective brand ambassadors.

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Board Recruitment in the 21st Century

Dr. Nancy Herbert, PhD., CEO/Founder, Boardroom Sage

Credit union boards today are realizing the impending departure of their Silent and the Baby Boomer Generation board members. This turnover, driven by health, lifestyle changes, and term limits, is already underway.  It is crucial then, for boards to develop renewal mindsets and recruitment strategies to meet their credit union’s current and future organizational needs.

This webinar will feature four focus areas for boards to consider when preparing for board renewals:

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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Leveraging Loyalty to Become Top of Wallet

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Digital Credence

Successful brands continue to leverage loyalty to do more with those they serve. Yes, loyalty drives behavior! What can we do to enhance and engage more members via loyalty?


Join us on for this lively Webinar when we share five key thoughts to help you evaluate and improve member engagement initiatives. Don’t forget, a member engaged through loyalty will do more with the credit union – their journey to becoming top of wallet.


Here are five things our webinar will focus on:

1.      Key lessons from top loyalty programs

2.      A deeper understanding of how loyalty drives behavior

3.      Perfectly leveraging loyalty essentials to do more

4.      Personalizing and designing the “perfect” loyalty program

5.      Start now, here are a few critical first steps


Your webinar host is Sundeep Kapur. Sundeep is an educator with a simple mantra, “keep it relevant, keep them engaged, and you will nurture your way to the top.”

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The Credit Union Mantra for the Next Normal

Paul Robert, CEO

Fi Strategies - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

People Helping People has been the highly successful mantra of credit unions since the beginning of time. And it has served the industry, and its members, exceptionally well. Today, however, that mantra is being tested like never before and how credit unions respond may ultimately decide their future relevance.

In a post-pandemic world, we find that other financial institutions are equally focused on consumer satisfaction, while the expectations of those consumers have been elevated, and the competition to attract and retain employees to serve those consumers has never been more challenging.

If that scenario sounds like the environment you find your credit union in, then this webinar is for you.

Specifically, we’ll address:

Your credit union has never had a better opportunity to thrive than today. But you won’t succeed by doing what you’ve done in the past. Learn the keys to success in the “next” normal.

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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Architecting an Effective Organizational Structure

Tom Glatt, Jr., Founder, and Matt Griffiths, Consultant 

Glatt Consulting, Inc. - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Credit unions often spend countless hours attempting to architect the perfect organizational structure and chart only to be frustrated with the end result when it fails to inspire operational effectiveness and efficiency. The reason such efforts fail is because many "perfectly-designed" org restructures often fail to consider the realities of the existing business model, workflows, and processes that exist behind the simple links between departments and positions. 

Fortunately there is a better approach to organizational structure, which is to develop a complete view of the credit union’s business model, identify its inherent advantages and weaknesses, and build an organizational change plan that culminates in more efficient and meaningful work - not to mention a truly representative and relevant organization structure and chart. 

In this in-depth CU Conferences' webinar, Glatt Consulting’s Tom Glatt and Matt Griffiths will walk you through this approach, showing you how to move your credit union through business model awareness to effective change and operational relevance. 

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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What is a 457(f) and When Does it Make Sense to Offer One?

Christopher Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP,
Senior Executive Benefit Consultant

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Chris and Bruce will address the following items that come into play when considering a 457(f) as your supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP): 


Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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The Nation's Healthiest Credit Unions

Tom Glatt, Jr., Founder, Glatt Consulting Group
Matt Griffiths, Consultant, Glatt Consulting Group

CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Which credit unions are the "most healthy," and how are they different than the average credit union? In this exploration of credit union philosophy and performance, Glatt Consulting's, Tom Glatt and Matt Griffiths, take a deep dive into credit union health - and in the process showcase just how different the best are from "average." This webinar will be sure to give you points to ponder, if not completely change the way you approach strategy and structure at your credit union.

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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3 Essential Components of Your Digital First Strategy

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Credence

Our consumer today is truly connected to their digital device. They want to be served at ANYTIME, with the RIGHT information, and expect an EXCEPTIONAL experience. A tall task for many, but it is the only way to compete with Fintech and large financial institutions – the member expects PERSONALIZATION.


Sundeep will share three essential components that you should incorporate into your digital strategy:

These three components are not buzzwords but are backed by pragmatic implementations at credit unions that are driving very strong results. To deliver on the promise of digital we need to keep up with enhanced and evolving consumer expectations – this call is not to be missed! Lots of learning – practical, insightful, and innovative.

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What is a 457(f) and When Does it Make Sense to Offer One?

Christopher Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant and Bruce Smith, CFA, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Thursday, April 15, 2021,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Chris and Bruce will address the following items that come into play when considering a 457(f) as your supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP): 


Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience.

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Fintech Partnerships - How Credit Unions can Find the Best Option

John Dearing, Partner, Capstone

Thursday, April 8, 2021,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Our industry is evolving and credit unions must innovate and adapt to succeed. Fintechs help expand product offerings while providing an enhanced member experience. Join John Dearing for this enlightening session on “Fintech Partnerships” and set your credit union up for successful growth.  


The webinar will include: 

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2021 Reputation Protection and Crisis Mitigation for Credit Unions

Casey Boggs, President, ReputationsUs

Thursday, April 1, 2021,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Become A Certified Reputation Protector For Your Credit Union

Protect your credit union’s valuable brand and bottom line by becoming a certified Reputation Protector through ReputationU. Webinar attendees receive 20% off ReputationU Courses.

Due to the countless crises of 2020 and early 2021, as well as the many disruptions these issues made to most credit unions, executives and directors have increasingly recognized "reputation" as on of the most important elements of a corporation to enhance, protect and defend.

Casey Boggs, president of the reputation management firm ReputationUs, and founder for the eLearning program ReputationU, will offer CU Conferences' participants and overview of ReputationU-eLearning program that trains you to become certified in reputation management and crisis response to protect your credit union's brand and bottom line.

The program serves as your guide to 1) Safeguard Your Credit Union's Reputation 2) Mitigate Reputation Damage and 3 Protect the Credit Union's bottom Line. ReputationU participants will also receive "front line" education with crisis simulated exercises to address today's reputation issues and crisis mitigation, including: 

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Reverse the Member Satisfaction Decline at Your Credit Union

Paul Robert, CEO, FI Strategies

Thursday, March 25, 2021,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

The 2020 American Consumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) results show that credit unions scored below banks for the second year in a row on overall consumer satisfaction. Further, the report shows a slow, steady erosion in credit union satisfaction over the past 10 years with scores declining since 2011.

Overall, credit union satisfaction performance has dropped 10 points in the past ten years while bank scores have gained 3 points! As a result, it should be crystal clear that, as an industry, credit unions can no longer say, without hesitation, "we give better service than the banks".

What is your credit union doing about this?

In this Webinar, learn the five things your credit union must do in 2021 to reverse this trend, including:

You may be saying, "Weve got that covered; our members love us" but the challenges are; are you doing each of these as best as possible and how have you modified them over the past two years? Tomorrow's member experience needs to be discernably different than yesterday's. Make sure your credit union is positioned to thrive in tomorrow's environment!

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Developing Your Merger Negotiables

Tom Glatt, Jr. Partner, Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.

Matt Griffiths, Partner, Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.

Whether or not mergers are of particular strategic interest  to a given credit union, every credit union should have well-defined "standards" for how it will manage merger conversations. The reason is that every credit union, at some point, will be approached with a merger opportunity - and the credit union's response, and subsequent engagement, should be informed by well-reasoned perspectives and view points.

To that end, this Webinar, led by Glatt Consulting's Tom Glatt and Matt Griffiths, will walk you through the nine areas of particular concern to early-stage merger discussions, explain the type of elementary issues that fall within each area, and outline a development roadmap your credit union can follow to establish clear and reasonable merger negotiation expectations and boundaries to use in future discussions with prospective merger partners.

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Driving Growth through True Personalization

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Digital Credence

Your member will pay attention to you when the conversation is relevant. How do you drive a relevant conversation? You should know who your member is, speak to your member with aptness, and do so consistently across channels. It is about one-to-one conversations, not mass marketing! This Webinar will provide you with the ideal  way to  build member personas and map impactful  member journeys.

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Marketing in a Post Virus Economy

Mark Arnold, President, On The Mark Strategies

The world changed overnight. So did marketing. If you want to increase your credit union’s revenue today, then consumers have to know about you. The only way that happens is with a focused marketing message. You will learn how to:

All through more efficient marketing. Your credit union can no longer afford to waste money on bad marketing. Discover how to asses and adapt your marketing to accelerate your growth. 

Attendees will learn the following:

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Best Practices & Success Stories Using Split Dollar SERP Design

Christopher Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant and Bruce Smith, CFA, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

During this webinar, OM Financial Group will share some best practices that our clients have put in place to ensure the SERP does what it was designed to do.

Webinar Highlights:

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Beyond 2020: People, Product, Process Technology, Experience

Sundeep Kapur, Founder
Digital Credence

Consumers need financial institutions to complete their financial journeys. They need money that drives everyday economics - it drives their needs, helps with problems, and fuels their aspirations. The consumer we serve has a myriad of choices in who they use and they can have more than 15 financial relationships in their lifetime. 

How do we insert ourselves into the center of each relationship? How do we become part of everyday transactions? Do you know what these consumers truly want? What does it take to become the primary financial institution? How do we leverage emerging technology as an enabler? 

This inspirational discussion will highlight the key challenges we face, provide anecdotal case studies from around the world, and provide us with the right questions to ask as we define our roadmap for success.

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Credit Union Crisis Coverage in 2021

Casey Boggs, President

Thursday, December 10, 2020,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

If the pandemic and various crises of 2020 have taught credit unions anything, it’s the exhausting nature of being in continual crisis mode. With evolving rules, regulations and recommendations, coupled with uncertain global economic fallout and a national reckoning on racial and social justice issues, the necessity for continuous REPUTATION PROTECTION and CRISIS RESPONSE has never been more apparent. 

CU Conferences invites you to join Casey Boggs, president of ReputationUs, reputation management and crisis response experts specializing in credit unions, to learn about Yearlong Crisis Coverage for credit unions.

Yearlong Crisis Coverage:
A Monthly Investment Priority in Proactive Protection

Changing political, environmental and cultural situations require a proactive approach to risk management. In partnership with CU Conferences, the ReputationUs Yearlong Crisis Coverage provides:

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience

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Fighting Fraud, Delivering on Trust, Across Channels

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Digital Credence
Teresa Dew, COO, Riegelwood FCU

The members we serve are overwhelmed in an increasingly faster paced digital first world. A quick click, a phone call, and easier access to personal information makes robotic social engineering an unfortunate reality. It gets worse when fraudsters are able to leverage all this data and use people to fool people.  

Join Teresa Dew, COO Riegelwood FCU and Sundeep Kapur, Educator, Digital Credence, as they walk us through alarming anecdotes and pragmatic suggestions to help us all deliver on our ability to serve members effectively. 

This critical Webinar, will inform you, and most importantly provide you with insight that you can use to educate your front line, arm your channels, and empower the members you serve.

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The Online Supervisory Committee Course: How it Works and How it will Benefit You and Your Credit Union

Ancin Cooley, Principal, Synergy Credit Union Consulting

Tuesday, November 17, 2020,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Supervisory Committees need training that is comprehensive, convenient, and easy to understand. One of our highly rated speakers, Ancin Cooley, has an exceptional program to accomplish this through online training. 

In this fun and entertaining Webinar, you will learn everything you need to know about The Comprehensive Online Supervisory Committee Course. 

Here is a sampling of some of the questions Ancin will address: 

Be sure to forward this email to others at your credit union so they can take advantage of this learning opportunity.

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The Escalator Effect: Leveraging the Four Essential Steps to Organizational Success in COVID-19 and Beyond

Dr. Neil Goldman, President, GCS, Inc.

Right now – understanding and applying the essential rules of business success may be more important than ever.  In this thought-provoking webinar, Dr. Goldman will share insights, practices, and industry-specific research from his new book (and Amazon #1 Best Seller)—The Escalator Effect: The Four Essential Steps to Lead and Inspire Your Organization to Rising Successto help leaders navigate through COVID-19 and beyond. 

Here is a sampling of some of the questions Dr. Goldman will address:

The Escalator Effect has a five star rating on Amazon and is available for purchase at  

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience

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Best Practices & Success Stories Using Split Dollar SERP Design

Christopher Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant

Bruce Smith, CFA, Executive Benefit Consultant

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

During this webinar, OM Financial Group will share some best practices that our clients have put in place to ensure the SERP does what it was designed to do.  

Webinar Highlights:

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Keep Your Next Generation of Leaders: A Proven Program that Produces Great Results

Paul Robert, CEO, FI Strategies - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

If your credit union is like many, your top-performing employees too often leave and take their production elsewhere; high turnover is killing your HR budget and member service quality; and you have at least one or two top executives preparing to retire soon and no one on staff qualified to replace them.

All three of these situations can cause you to lose sleep at night but even just one of the three can cause your credit union to fall woefully short on your future performance projections. Your strategic focus over the next year or two has to be on recapturing growth and momentum and that will require an optimized performance culture with solid, steady production from employees, especially your top-performers and future leaders.

Fortunately, there’s a program designed specifically to help credit unions target this critical set of employees and develop them into tomorrow’s leaders today. In this webinar you will learn how to:

Learn about the program that made one recent participant say, “Being in the Emerging Leaders program has made me want to continue to grow and reassured me that this credit union is where I want my lifetime career to be.” And another one say, “Having the privilege of being part of this program also motivates me to continue to coach and mentor the next group of leaders.”

To some extent turnover is inevitable; but this webinar will share with you a proven process to minimize the risk of losing your best employees and position them to lead your credit union to higher levels of success for many years to come.

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How to Hire the Next CEO or Be Hired as The Next CEO

OM Financial - CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Wednesday, October 7, 2020,  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Christopher Jones, Senior Executive Benefit Consultant at OM Financial Group and Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefit Consultant at OM Financial Group, previously CEO of Bethpage FCU ($9B in assets), Founder and Advisor to FinTech’s and Managing Partner of a CU Strategy and Digital Consulting Firms will present a webinar that will help prepare credit unions to hire their next CEO and help future candidates get hired as the next CEO.

In our work with credit union boards and CEOs, we find too many organizations that fail to take the right steps to prepare candidates for the top job. On the other side, too few of candidates have taken a closer look at and developed the full range of skills for what it takes to succeed as the organization’s leader.

Credit Union Boards

• Start sooner and plan more

• Understand the difference between being a senior leader and being a CEO

• Give each internal candidate a tailored analysis and opportunity to bridge the gaps before the selection process begins

CEO Candidates

• Experience Readiness – having the right qualifications for the job

• Personal Readiness – who you are as a person, fit with the culture

• Network Readiness – who you know inside and outside the credit union

• Process Readiness – what to know, how to draft the questionnaire, etc.

• Relationship Readiness – how you get along with others, leadership strengths, etc.

In addition, Jones and Kordeleski will discuss how the CEO interview process works and what the board and CEO candidate should look for when developing a strategic plan for the interview.

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Pursue Relevance: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond 2020

Sundeep Kapur, Founder, Digital Credence

What do we do now? The consumer we serve, our economy, and society are under immense pressure. The uncertainty makes matters even worse. Yet, as financial institutions we are fortunate to have essential status – not just a job, but a privilege to serve. 

What can we do to serve those in need? How do we move from being reactive to becoming mentors? How do we garner and leverage our strengths to do even more? How do we move from survival mode to eventually thrive? How do we deliver on our purpose effectively? 

Webinar Focus:

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A Proven Tool for Succession Readiness from Boardroom to C-Suite

Tom Glatt, Jr., Partner/Matt Griffiths, Partner

Glatt Consulting Group, Inc.
CU Conferences' Strategic Partner

Succession planning is often on the minds of credit union board members and CEOs. What is desired by both isn’t really a plan, however, but an appropriate state of readiness. Glatt Consulting Group has spent the last few months building out a comprehensive succession readiness tool that helps boards and management better grasp credit union succession readiness, identify readiness gaps, and understand the ripple effect of potential succession decisions. In this webinar, Glatt Consulting’s Tom Glatt and Matt Griffiths will walk you through the tool, showcasing how it works and in the process teaching you how to recast succession at your credit union from a “static plan”  development effort to an informed state of active succession readiness.

Not available on this date and time? No worries. Those who sign up will also be emailed a link to the Webinar recording so you can watch at your convenience

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Time to Rebalance: A Realignment for Growth

Scott Florini, VP of Strategy,  John Mathes, Director of Retail Strategy, Brad Ritner


The financial services industry just experienced the single most transformational moment in its history. The worldwide pandemic brought the banking and retail industries to its knees as face-to-face experiences were closed. The financial services, retail, hospitality, and restaurant industries locked their doors to consumers, forcing interaction through mobile and digital channels.

Simultaneously, corporations deployed remote workplace strategies sending employees to work from home as stay-in-place orders were issued. Companies had to rapidly create a remote strategy and then deploy their workforce with little or no formal training, adequate technology, or communications protocols in place.

As a result, we have reached the tipping point which has radically altered consumer and employee behaviors forever. Organizations must now realign their retail and corporate workplace strategies to replace ones that are now obsolete or irrelevant. This reset process begins by realigning your leadership team around your new vision of the pathway forward. 

Rebalance 2020 Program Highlights:

• What just happened?

• What are post-COVID19 consumer perceptions and concerns?

• How do these perceptions impact business strategy going forward?

• What are the short-term & long-term implications to the consumer experience?

• What should we do about it?

This presentation will introduce the strategic framework for a new vision to propel your credit union forward to unprecedented success.

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Beyond the Basics: Supervisory Committee Intermediate Skills

Ancin Cooley, Principal, Synergy Credit Union Consulting

In this webinar, Ancin Cooley, Principal of Synergy Credit Union Consulting and creator of the only online Self-paced Supervisory Committee course, will walk you through the month to month skills, processes, and best practices your committee needs to be fully-functional.  Ancin brings his 17 years of experience as a regulator, auditor, and consultant in a entertaining and easy to understand learning format.

Be sure to enter scholarship code CUConWebinar10
to receive a 10% discount on the Online Supervisory Committee Course! For additional informtion on the SC online course, call Ancin Cooley at 224-475-7551 and be sure to mention CU Conferences to receive your discount.

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The Basics of Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans

Presented by: OM Financial Team

Successfully recruiting and retaining quality executives is vital to your credit union’s long-term stability, growth and succession planning. By offering executives a benefit package that allows them to generate substantial tax-preferred retirement distributions, credit unions can accomplish all three of these goals in a cost-effective and mutually beneficial manner.  There are two Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERP) options for credit unions – a 457(f) or a split dollar plan.  There are many nuances in each of these options and they can be very confusing.  This session will walk through the basics so that you can better understand the differences between the options and how they impact both the credit union and the executive.  

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Credit Union Partnerships as a Growth Vehicle

John Dearing, Partner, Capstone

Credit union leadership, management and board members will learn about trends and best practices to drive additional non-interest income. Every day, new partnerships are formed in the credit union space in order to help organizations thrive and grow. Learn how these collaborations drive market expansion, membership growth, new product offerings, and depth of member relationships plus income.  Join us in this thought-provoking Webinar and open your mind to the new possibilities offered by strategic partnerships.

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Explosive Member Experiences, Especially During a Pandemic

Paul Robert, Chief Executive Officer, FI Strategies

Focusing on the member journey is key to success during normal times but it reaches a heightened sense of importance during non-normal times. Credit unions that use the next few months to truly understand their member’s journey, solidify and simplify every step, and display empathy along the way will be the ones that thrive (not just survive), in spite of the pandemic.

In this webinar, learn how to:

What worked for you prior to the pandemic will not be enough to work in the future. Your world has changed and, most importantly, your member’s world has changed. The credit unions that enhance their member’s experiences accordingly will be the ones who thrive in the “new” world. 

Walk away with the following:

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Developing Your Merger Strategy

Tom Glatt, Jr., Partner/Matt Griffiths, Partner

Glatt Consulting, Inc.

Mergers occur for many reasons. Organizations may need access to capital, a larger marketplace to fuel growth, greater diversification of customers to mitigate risk, additional leadership and job function skills, etc. Credit unions are no different. These same kinds of needs exist even in the cooperative business model environment. As a result, credit unions should always include merger as a strategy for addressing pressing needs. But to merge requires two parties that ideally complement one another. The question is, how do you find such a willing merger partner and engage them in forward looking merger dialogue?

In this Webinar, Glatt Consulting’s Tom Glatt and Matt Griffiths, help you better understand the pre-outreach and development work you need to engage in, to ensure your merger efforts are successful. 

Topics to be covered during this webinar include:

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How to Hire the Next CEO or Be Hired as the Next CEO

Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefit Consultant

Tim Strandquist, Executive Benefit Consultant

OM Financial Group

Tim Strandquist, Executive Benefit Consultant with OM Financial Group and previously a recruiter for 2 of the largest credit union executive search firms and Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefit Consultant at OM Financial Group, previously CEO of Bethpage FCU ($9B in assets), Founder and Advisor to FinTech’s and Managing Partner of a CU Strategy and Digital Consulting Firms will present a webinar that will help prepare credit unions to hire their next CEO and help future candidates get hired as the next CEO. 

In their work with credit union boards and CEOs, OM Financial find too many organizations that fail to take the right steps to prepare candidates for the top job. On the other side, too few of candidates have taken a closer look at and developed the full range of skills for what it takes to succeed as the organization’s leader. 

Credit Union Boards

CEO Candidates

In addition, Strandquist and Kordeleski will discuss how the CEO interview process works and what the board and CEO candidate should look for when developing a strategic plan for the interview.

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Coaching Skills for Winning Managers

Rory Rowland, President, Rowland Consulting

Studies show that up to 75% of communication is ignored, misunderstood, or forgotten. Learn how to excel at your communication skills, leadership, and management role and discover how to build a team that works together for common goals. Receive key tools on how to coach and motivate your team to be committed to success. Don’t miss this action- and solution-focused Webinar, while learning the secrets to becoming an excellent coaching manager.

What you can expect to learn:

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BSA Update & Review - All participants will be Emailed a BSA Completion Certificate

Tim Quinn, President, Success from the Inside Out

This Webinar Fulfills the
Requirement for Annual Director Education on BSA

All Credit Unions must be in compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the board of directors is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the credit union maintains an effective internal control structure, including suspicious activity monitoring and reporting. This Webinar outlines the act, it’s purpose, it’s requirements, current updates and reporting procedures that all credit union directors are required to be familiar with. Money is the fuel for all kinds of activities, both good and “not so good”.  Make sure that your credit union has the systems in place to monitor transactions and is in compliance with these Federal requirements.   

Purchase Amy's Book

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Emerging Stronger

Amy Downs, President/CEO, Allegiance Credit Union

Amy Downs survived a bomb exploding in the building of the credit union where she was working, which killed 168 people, including 18 of her 33 co-workers.  Amy fell three stories and was buried alive for over six hours.  

She embraced her second chance at life by adopting a growth mindset, and over the past 25 years has transformed from a college drop-out to obtaining her MBA, from a teller to CEO, from 355lbs to becoming an Ironman Finisher.  

Today, Amy is President and CEO of the same credit union which was nearly destroyed. Rather than being taken down by that catastrophe, Allegiance Credit Union grew by 400% and is consistently voted a Best Place to Work in Oklahoma. This year, Amy was recognized by the Oklahoma Journal Record as a “Most Admired CEO.”

Drawing on her new book about these experiences, called “Hope Is A Verb: My Journey of Impossible Transformation,” (Click on the link to purchase Amy's book on Amazon).

Amy is excited to share the lessons she learned to help you and your credit union emerge stronger.

Email us at to Receive the Webinar File

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How to Thrive in 2021

Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefits Consultant, OM Financial

Kirk Kordeleski, Executive Benefit Consultant at OM Financial Group, Previously CEO of Bethpage FCU ($9B in assets), Founder and Advisor to FinTech’s and Managing Partner of a CU Strategy and Digital Consulting Firm will present a webinar on How to Thrive in 2021. 

Kirk will explore the disruption and confusion in the retail banking world that credit unions are currently operating in and will share what retail banking strategies will likely be successful in 2021. He will detail how Bethpage FCU navigated through 3 historic systemic economic shocks (9/11, Super Storm Sandy and the Great Recession). Outlining the strategic, financial and cultural strategies that created extraordinary member value, financial performance and how the credit union doubled its growth every 5 years while facing “once in a life time” obstacles to performance! 

In addition, Kordeleski will present industry data on how credit unions have created a safe harbor in the perfect storm of COVID, the recession, social unrest and digital transformation. Some of these strategies have worked during previous disruptions while others are specific to the extraordinary times that we are living in. Kirk will touch on the following: 

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Beyond Diversity: Let's Talk Inclusion

Nancy Lewis, President, Progressive Techniques, Inc.

There is a lot of discussion on diversity and inclusion and that they are intertwined. In the most basic sense, diversity is about counting people, while inclusion is about making people count. In your credit unions, it is important to recognize that inclusion is providing a sense of belonging to all the employees so they feel welcomed, respected, and valued and can contribute at the highest level of their individual and team capabilities. This session will provide insights and basic strategies for creating inclusion in your credit unions.

Email us at to Receive the Webinar File

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How to Get to And Stay at Your Preferred Loan to Share Ratio During These Uncertain Times...And Stay There Permanently! 

Walt Agius, CEO, CU Sol

Walt's Webinar, will explore the ins and outs and key benefits and opportunities of developing, maintaining and maximizing a multi-channel lending platform. He'll also be making the case for utilizing a CUSO as an aggregator for the sole purpose of generating a constant flow of quality loans for multiple credit unions.

Times are challenging today, and the Multi-Channel lending processes we’ll be discussing, will assure that as the market comes back, credit unions can be the big winners in loan origination. 

This Webinar will cover all aspects of multi-channel lending, specifically:

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How the Current Market Turmoil is Impacting Your SERP

Chris Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Executive Benefits Specialist, OM Financial

Bruce Smith, Executive Benefits Specialist, OM Financial

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Per several requests, Chris and Bruce will be delivering their Webinar again. If you participated in their previous Webinar, join them again with others from your credit union as they cover:

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Disruption: There's More Coming. How the Financial Industry is and will be Disrupted - Not Just by Virus

Walter Jankowski, Reinvention Consultant, Better Dash Faster Consulting

The Coronavirus has disrupted almost every industry and person in the world.  In the last 10 years, many industries have experienced “Disruptors” - companies that sprang into the marketplace and totally changed how business is done.  During this Webinar, we will explore some of these trends in the financial industry that could impact your credit union.  This will give you plenty of discussion items for your board room.

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Board Competencies and Succession: Impact of COVID19 on Your Board Succession Plan

Deedee Myers, PhD, Board Coaching Expert

Board succession has been a table topic for years and, overnight, and has recently escalated to a new dimension.  The board succession strategy in many credit unions has been hit by an unexpected giant wrecking ball that puts many of us in question about leadership continuity and resilience. Some board members are questioning if they have the value and energy needed by the board.  Others have found new levels of engagement.  Is your board fast pacing your recruitment efforts? Are you a board that has passionately responded to the new call for action?

This webinar, designed for board members and CEOs, provides guidance for strategic and critical thinking about your board’s current and future competency and mindset.  Use this information to be in vital and provocative, and sometimes, vulnerable, conversation. 

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How the Current Market Turmoil is Impacting Your SERP

Chris Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Executive Benefits Specialist, OM Financial

Bruce Smith, Executive Benefits Specialist, OM Financial

Join Chris and Bruce for an informative Webinar as they share their years of experience and cover:

Email us at to Receive the Webinar File

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POST-COVID19 Roadmap: Communicating Through The Crisis AFTERSHOCKS

Casey Boggs, Crisis Expert, ReputationUs

Credit union crisis expert Casey Boggs of ReputationUs will offer credit union board of directors, marketing directors, supervisory committee members and other credit union professionals, communication and reputation management guidance on how to prepare for POST-COVID19 issues.  

Prepare your credit union today for the crisis “aftershocks” of COVID19. The need to prepare now is critical so the credit union is ready to make the necessary adjustments for its staff and members.

Email us at to Receive the Webinar File

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Retaining & Recruiting Successful Leaders

Chris Jones, ChFC, CLU, CFP, Executive Benefits Specialist

Tim Strandquist, Executive Benefits Specialist and Former Executive Recruiter 

When a credit union board is able to continuously recruit and retain talented leaders throughout the organization, it truly has an advantage in the marketplace. Of course, the inverse is true as well. If this skill or focus is lacking in any way, then the credit union, employees and membership will suffer. 

-What is the value of a successful leader and how do you know if you have one? 

-How do you retain your leadership, what are they really looking for to make your credit union their career? (It’s a lot more than just money!) 

-How do you recruit the right Executives? 

-Once you have the right CEO replacement, how do you ensure a successful transition?